Become a Member, today!
Profit from an active community of Sales Engineers and interact with us at our events.
Your benefits:
networking internationally with sales engineers
eligibility to access the alumni group and alumni events
opportunities for trainee possibilities and full-time jobs
international job possibilities
possibilities for thesis
access to advanced training possibilities
Sales Engineer Professionals:
eligibility to access the alumni group and alumni events
job announcements
access to advanced training possibilities
invitation to collaborate on (research) projects
chance to recruit students to your own work community.
the possibility of volunteering in the student interface: invitations to class visits and expert lectures.
the opportunity to influence education development: an invitation to a career tracking survey, applying to be an advisory board member.
notifying project work/thesis topics via the contact person of alumni activities or directly to degree supervisors
Higher Education Staff:
all of the above
certify your sales engineering study program
participate in European research projects
communicate your publications
always be informed about state-of-the-art research