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AASE By-laws

adopted by the constituent assembly of 22nd October 2019 in Heidenheim /Germany
(this is the English translation of the legally binding French version of by-laws)

§1: Name

It is founded between the members to the present statutes an association governed by the French law of July 1st, 1901 and the French decree of August 16th, 1901, having for name

Academic Association of Sales Engineering

and of which the acronym is AASE.

§2: Objective of the Association

The Association is a grouping of deans, professors and other employees of European Higher Education Institutions engaged in the training of Sales Engineers. This training puts the accent on the interconnection of economic and commercial knowledge with engineering competences and stands out clearly from purely commercial or marketing studies.

The objectives of the AASE are:

  1. The promotion of Sales Engineering in society, industry and politics,

  2. The improvement of Sales Engineering Education and the introduction of academic standards for the training and the profession of Sales Engineers,

  3. The establishment of the term “Sales Engineer” as a trademark,

  4. The stimulation of Research in the field of Sales Education,

  5. The close cooperation of the members in the field of education, research and public relations.

§3: Headquarter

The headquarter is situated in Belfort (France) at 3 Rue du Docteur Fréry.

It can be transferred on decision of the General Assembly.

§4: Duration

The duration of the association is unlimited.

§5: Members and Membership fees

The association is composed of:

  1. Active members or adherents
    Active members are individual persons who joined the association. They are employed by a Higher Education Institution engaged in Sales Engineering Education or got retired from such an Institution; are involved in the different instances or groups; take the responsibility to pay the annual membership fee decided by the General Assembly and specified in the internal Rules of Procedure..

  2. Associated members
    Associated members are other individual persons or legal persons who are interested in Sales Engineering Education and who want to contribute to the achievement of AASE’s objectives.

§6: Termination of membership

The quality of a member terminates by

  1. resignation as member;

  2. death;

  3. deletion pronounced by the Executive Board and approved by the General Assembly for serious reasons.

§7: Affiliation

The association may also join other associations, unions or groupings by decision of the General Assembly.

§8: Funding

Funding of the association comes from

  1. Membership fees;

  2. Contributions to be paid for the participation in activities and events organised by the association;

  3. Contributions/donations from associated members or third parties;

  4. Public funding;

  5. All funding authorised by laws and rules in force.

§9: General Assembly

The General Assembly is open to active and associated members. Only active members of the association can vote during the General Assembly.

The General Assembly is organised once per year.

The General Assembly is quorate with the active members present under condition that all active members have been invited following the rules defined in the internal Rules of Procedure.

Deliberations are taken by a majority of the active members present. In case of equality, the vote of the president is decisive.

Decisions of the General Assembly are binding for all members, including absent or represented members.

§10: Extraordinary General Assembly

If necessary, or at the request of at least a quarter of the active members, the president can convene an Extraordinary General Assembly, according to the modalities envisaged with the present statutes and only for modification of the by-laws or the dissolution or for acts on buildings.

The Extraordinary General Assembly is quorate with the active members present under condition that all active members have been invited following the rules defined in the Internal Rules of Procedure.

Deliberations are taken by a minimum of 2/3 majority of the active members present.

§11: The Executive Board

The association is headed by an Executive Board composed of the president and at least two vice-presidents. The members of the Executive Board are elected for 2 (two) by the General Meeting. Members are re-eligible.

The functions of President and Treasurer are not cumulative.

In case of vacancies, the directory provisionally provides for the replacement of its members. They are definitely replaced by the next General Assembly.

The Executive Board meets at least once every six months, convened by the president, or at the request of at least half of its members. Meetings can take place online.

Decisions are taken by majority vote; in the event of a tie, the President has the casting vote.

Any member of the Executive Board who, without excuse, has not attended three consecutive meetings will be deemed to have resigned.

§12: Expense Allowance

All functions, including those of the members of the Executive Board, are honorary and voluntary. Only the expenses incurred by the fulfilment of their mandate are refundable on the basis of documentary evidence according to the modalities fixed in the internal Rules of Procedure.

Expenditures need to be approved by two board members.

The financial report presented to the General Assembly presents, by beneficiary, the reimbursement of expenses of missions, travels or representations.

For French members: The association accepts giving up these refunds and donating them to the association to benefit of the reduction of income tax following paragraph 200 of the French General Tax law (art. 200 du Code Général des Impôts).

§13: Internal Rules of Procedure

Internal Rules of Procedure are established by the Executive Board. They must be approved by the General Assembly.

The purpose of these Internal Rules of Procedure is to define the various points not provided in the present statutes, in particular those relating to the internal administration of the association.

§14: Dissolution

The dissolution must be pronounced and decided by an Extraordinary General Assembly with a minimum of 2/3 of the present active members.

In the event of dissolution, one or more liquidators are appointed.

The net assets, if any, are transferred to one or more organisations responding to the following criteria:

  1. A European non-profit organisation engaged in Sales Engineering education;

  2. A non-profit organisation engaged in education or science;

  3. Any other non-profit organisation.

The final decision of the recipient(s) of the assets is taken by the Extraordinary General Assembly with a simple majority.

The net assets cannot be transferred to a member of the association, even partially, except taking back a contribution.

§15: Donations

The financial report and the annual accounts are sent each year to the prefect of the department.

The association undertakes to present its registers and accounting documents on any requisition of the administrative authorities as regards the use of donations it would be authorized to receive, to let its institutions visit by the representatives of these competent authorities and to report to them on the operation of these establishments.

Established in two copies
Established in Heidenheim (Germany), on 22nd October 2019.

Signed by

Thomas Röhr, President

Dr. Timo Holopainen, Vice-President Funding, Treasurer

Prof. Dr. Thomas Berger, Vice-President Research and Education


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